domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Venezuela's problems now taking international scale

Since early this year Venezuela’s government is struggling to take control. Thousands of people are taking over the streets and are demanding a change of office and the end to a period of economic, social, and political depression.

Now for Venezuela problems are even bigger, their internal conflict is expanding and other countries are getting involved. In this case I am talking specifically about Panama.

Panama is demanding Venezuela to pay a debt of more than $1bn. Venezuela’s government took and impressive and immediate decision. They cut political relations with Panama. The president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, has publically spoken about this. He thinks it is a coward decision coming from Venezuela which he describes as a country “rich in petroleum”.

Maduro also went firing back and said that Panama was conspiring with the United States to intervene in Venezuela’s internal affairs. He gave diplomats from Panama 48 hours to leave the country.

Reckless Maduro taking actions and sending Venezuela to a bigger abysm.

Juan Camilo Gómez

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