martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Russia kicked out of the G8

The Hague, Netherlands (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia's role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday. The move to suspend Russia's membership in the G8 is the latest direct response from major countries allied against Russia's annexation of Crimea. "International law prohibits the acquisition of part or all of another state's territory through coercion or force," the statement said. "To do so violates the principles upon which the international system is built. We condemn the illegal referendum held in Crimea in violation of Ukraine's constitution. "We also strongly condemn Russia's illegal attempt to annex Crimea in contravention of international law and specific international obligations." Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier in the day that being kicked out of G8 would be no big deal.

Inside Politics: Obama's emergency talks Russian standoff in 'eleventh hour' WH: Isolate Russia and support Ukraine "G8 is an informal organization that does not give out any membership cards and, by its definition, cannot remove anyone," he said during a news conference. " All the economic and financial questions are decided in G20, and G8 has the purpose of existence as the forum of dialogue between the leading Western countries and Russia." Lavrov added that Russia was "not attached to this format and we don't see a great misfortune if it will not gather. Maybe, for a year or two, it will be an experiment for us to see how we live without it."

Acosta, Jim, and Victoria Eastwood. "U.S., Other Powers Kick Russia out of G8." CNN. Cable News Network, 25 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

Personal Opinion: It was an accurate decision took by the members of the "G7". Russia taking over Crimea is violating all rights. The International System is not bieng respected by Russia. In my opinion something bad is near. Dialogue between Russia and Western Countries is not going to happen and relations are once again cold.


Economic Hit Man

Economic Hit man practices affected the world in a global scale. The United States National Security Agency was the in charge of financing economically this issue. Countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Panama, Ecuador, were affected by this issue. Economic Hit Men try to take over strategically important countries and then benefit the United States government. By this the United States could get political and economic power from these developing countries.

In countries like Panama and Ecuador the Economic Hit Man could not convince the head of state to surrender their power to the United States. Chacals (people who will assassinate the political leader) were going to do their work. In Venezuela the government prevents the economic hit men, a revolt was then organized to overthrow Chavez but it didn’t 

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Malaysia Flight 370

Each day there are new questions and theories surrounding the issue of the disappearing of Malaysia Flight 370.
¿Where could the plane be?
There are two possible theories
·         One stretches from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand.
·         The latest theory said that the aircraft crashed on southern India into waters outside the reach of radar.
¿Could the plane have landed somewhere?
U.S officials are considering that there is an open possibility that the plane could have landed at a remote, hidden airstrip

¿How likely is hijacking or terrorism?
It's highly suspicious that the plane seems to have turned around. Those suspicions are further fueled by the loss of communications with the plane, considering the aircraft had "redundant electrical systems" that would have had to be disabled. (CNN)

Race as a Social Reality

Race as modern idea: In ancient times people didn’t divide society in physical appearance instead they were divided because of their religion, class, language and status.
Race and freedom were born together: For example when the United States was founded, equality was a radical and new idea. At the same time the U.S economy largely depended on slaves and forced labor.
In our times race continues to be an important social idea that gives people different opportunities depending on their physical traits.
Society has created better opportunities and advantages for someone who is white.
We are on a society that is based on stereotypes and individual prejudice. By this I mean that physical traits are very important and that the racial aspect will decide someone’s status in society.
Race is neither a biological nor a genetically known term. Different studies have proved that two Japanese can be genetically different as Japanese and a Colombian. The genes that are uncharged of establishing skin color, hair form, and other physical traits are few.

.RACE. The Power of an Illusion. CALIFORNIA NEWSREEL. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. ‹›.

Juan Camilo Gómez

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Three Set Grand Slam Matches for Men

Recently I’ve heard about the idea of reducing men 3-5 sets Grand Slams matches to just 2-3 sets matches. It will be a hard decision to take well tradition will be lost but men could now have the opportunity to extend their years on the tour. In this entry I would like to see and explore the different pros and cons about this interesting issue.

Pros for shortening men Grand Slam matches: For a professional male tennis athlete is always a challenge playing a Grand Slam. The actual format for men is playing the best of 3-5 sets (Only in Grand Slams). This will ask the player for a better physical and mental strength. Men, Grand Slams matches, are constantly going above the 4 hours of play. After the match both players would be exhaust and will have a minimum time of 24 hours to recover and be ready for another lengthy match. Grand Slams matches are a huge physical challenge for every player and with time running, players are not going to have the fuel neither the energy to play at the same level for four hours. If matches are shortening men will have the opportunity of playing a lengthier carrier.

Cons for shortening men Grand Slam matches: The four biggest events on the tour are the Grand Slams (Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, and the US open). These are all played to the best of 3-5 sets. It is a huge challenge going into a Grand Slam. But after all tennis is a huge challenge and it is a sport that demands huge physical and mental strength. Grand Slams are the tournaments that only few can win. Why? Only the best players can win a Grand Slam well with 3-5 sets format there would not be fluke performances.

In my opinion Grand Slams must continue with the tradition of playing 3-5 set matches. Tennis is a sport that asks for hard work and sacrifice. Grand Slams are the ultimate challenge and only the best would have a chance of winning it.

Juan Camilo Gomez

Venezuela's problems now taking international scale

Since early this year Venezuela’s government is struggling to take control. Thousands of people are taking over the streets and are demanding a change of office and the end to a period of economic, social, and political depression.

Now for Venezuela problems are even bigger, their internal conflict is expanding and other countries are getting involved. In this case I am talking specifically about Panama.

Panama is demanding Venezuela to pay a debt of more than $1bn. Venezuela’s government took and impressive and immediate decision. They cut political relations with Panama. The president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, has publically spoken about this. He thinks it is a coward decision coming from Venezuela which he describes as a country “rich in petroleum”.

Maduro also went firing back and said that Panama was conspiring with the United States to intervene in Venezuela’s internal affairs. He gave diplomats from Panama 48 hours to leave the country.

Reckless Maduro taking actions and sending Venezuela to a bigger abysm.

Juan Camilo Gómez