miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

The Light Bulb Conspiracy consists on the theory of massive production. The video start criticizing the over production and how society after 1950 change socially and economically. The video is constantly giving various example of how this started. The title of the film is significant well is the perfect example of planned obsolescence.

The light bulbs use to have a large life span. The Light Bulb Cartel used planned obsolescence and shorten the light bulb use span. By this the company would get a bigger profit. Like the light bulb other products were made less useful, that would later lead to a greater profit for the company. The newer the better that was the motto for the new society.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen Post

The film the Four Horsemen predicts the fall of the American empire. It proves this in various ways. It starts by saying that every empire that had exist throughout history has rised and then fall. Economically the American empire is collapsing. The gap between rich and poor is everytime bigger. If the United States collapse as a result the whole world would be affected. The film aslo says that the United States is in the brink of disaster. What are the implications for you and your life if this come to pass? It would not affect me directly but if the United States fall then economically the world will suffer a brief collapase too. The ones directly affected by this would be the American government and its citizens. The film aslo shows that we live in a debt-based economy.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Food Inc & Economic Hit Man

Food Inc issue can be compare to similar issues we have seen in Social Studies class. The food insdustry can nearly control the whole economic system of a country. Multinational companies are trying to enter different developing countries an take over national food industries. By this the multinational comoanies would have a higher income. Higher income also means more power.

The Food Inc issue is similar to the one seen in the video of the economic hitmen. In the Economic Hit Man these people try to take over the political system of a developing country by using a huge amount of money.
These would also lead to an increase of political and economic power.

This issues lead to an abuse of power coming from a multinational company or even an industrialized country.